The Secrets of the Black Sarcophagus: What Is Inside?

The Secrets of the Black Granite Sarcophagus found in Egypt
From the very beginning of its discovery in 2018, the enigmatic black sarcophagus ignited numerous theories

The discovery of a mysterious black sarcophagus in Egypt in July 2018 has sparked interest from both archaeologists and the public. The height of it is about 2.7 meters, made of black granite, and it has a mysterious red liquid. Soon after its discovery, strange rumors started to spread about the origin of the sarcophagus and the nature of the liquid it contains.

What kind of rumors are they and do they have any truth to them?

The Mysterious Black Granite Sacrophagus

Excavated by archaeologists from Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities, the sarcophagus was buried about 16.4 feet (5 meters) underground in Alexandria, a city with a rich legacy from Alexander the Great. The exterior of the sarcophagus lacked hieroglyphs, making it difficult to identify its origin, age, or the individuals buried within. The lack of hieroglyphs has fueled speculation about the possible significance of the discovery, with some suggesting that it could hold the body of an unknown deposed pharaoh or a powerful priest of Amun-Ra.

After opening the sarcophagi, everyone present was disappointed as archaeologists found only three rotting mummies submerged in reddish-brown liquid inside.

Although the expectation of discovering a tomb with treasure was not fulfilled, the unbroken seal and pristine condition of the sarcophagus are noteworthy. Questions were raised about how the red liquid substance entered the sarcophagus due to the unbroken seal. It was speculated by some that the tomb had been polluted by rainwater for centuries. Some expressed concerns about possible curses tied to breaking the seal of the sarcophagus, comparing it to the Curse of Tutankhamun.

Based on indirect clues, the archaeologists concluded that the sarcophagus dates back to the Ptolemaic period (305 BCE to 30 BCE), which was characterized by the influence of Greek culture on ancient Egypt. This period ended with Egypt becoming a province of the Roman Empire after the death of Cleopatra VII

The Unusual Petition

As the archaeologists could not figure out what to do with the strange artifact and became ready to move on and shift their focus to other tasks, a petition with thousands of signatures suddenly arrived at building of the Ministry of Antiquities.

The petition called for the preservation of the liquid from the sacrophagus, declaring that it is not some sewage water but a powerfull legendary substance mentioned in the writings of ancient alchemists. The idea that the sarcophagus contains some legendary substance caused an unexpected twist in the story of the black sarcophagus. Although the officials from the Ministry of Antiquities rejected it, speculations ran wild.

What is Mumio?

A legendary substance known as Mummio was written about by ancient alchemists. They believe that it is the key to good health, longevity, and even immortality. This substance was kept by the pharaohs for themselves according to legend. For example, Pharaoh Ramesses II is said to have lived until the age of 90, because of mumio. An incredible feat for a man 4,000 years ago when the average lifespan was only 45 years.

The Legendary Alchemical Substance Found in an Egyptian Tomb
Does the sarcophagus contain the legendary Mumio?

In connection with this, soon strange rumors began to spread that the mummies found in sarcophagi were deliberately placed there to prepare them for some kind of resurrection ritual. It was believed that this event would occur in the right time in the future through the power of this substance.

The pharaonic punch, as this liquid started to be called, is said to be a kind of elixir of life, a magical potion that fulfills wishes and dreams.

In total, 36,846 people signed the curious petition on the internet and sent it to the Ministry of Antiquities, and although many probably signed the petition as a joke, many others apparently believe what it claims. The figure behind the appeal is a woman going by the nickname Inner Mcck, who personally believes that by drinking this liquid, she can overcome the cycle of life and death.....

The Ministry of Antiquities responded swiftly. The liquid coming from the tomb is, according to the spokesperson, wastewater in composition and, moreover, dangerous for anyone who would like to drink it. The ministry asserts that it isn't some mummy juice; it's three-thousand-year-old water filled with harmful substances.

Surprised by the immense public interest, they have chosen to preserve the liquid in a separate container for further study rather than disposing it as originally planned. Unfortunately, since the discovery of the sarcophagus in 2018, there have been few updates or additional developments made publicly available in this case to share, which creates furtile ground for various speculations...

Share your Opinion

While initial speculations and wild theories ran rampant, scientific analysis eventually provided some clarity. The red liquid, initially thought by some to be a potion of immortality, turned out to be probably nothing more than water that had leaked into the sarcophagus over the centuries.

This particular case underscore the importance of approaching such mysteries with a balanced perspective, reminding us that even seemingly ordinary findings can create controversies in public space and ignite passions.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic I discussed in this article. Are there any other perspectives or ideas you'd like to share? Please leave your comments below and let's start a conversation!

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