Japan's Most Peculiar UFO Encounters

Japan's Most Peculiar UFO Encounters
From Japan originates numerous peculiar tales involving encounters with mysterious beings

Four Bizarre UFO Accounts from Japan 

Japan, a nation known for its modern technological marvels and ancient traditions, has its share of unidentified flying objects reports. The strangeness of Japan's UFO sightings is unique, from mysterious encounters in the 1940s to peculiar incidents involving school children or mountain climbers in the 1960s and 1970s. These stories cross geographical borders while challenging conventional notions of reality, fostering a deeper fascination with a country where the known and the mysterious often coexist. Through our exploration of these reports from Japan, we enter a realm where folklore, science, and the unexplained collide in a land where the present meets the past in curious ways.

Kofu city UFO incident

On February 23, 1975, a peculiar incident occurred in the Japanese city of Kofu. Katsuhiro Yamabatake and his cousin were playing near a vineyard on the outskirts of town. The boys were shocked when a strange flying object with a 2.5-meter diameter and 1.5-meter height descended at around 6:30 pm. Two 'beings' standing at 130 centimeters were revealed when the door of the mysterious machine opened. Later, the boys described them as beings with brown faces featuring deep horizontal lines and silver fangs. They spoke in an unintelligible'squeaky' voice. The boy lost consciousness due to fear when one of the beings tapped him twice on his right shoulder. In panic, his cousin ran home. 

Upon returning with their family, they found the UFO emitting an orange light, which turned white before disappearing. The landing site was marked with multiple holes. Fortunately, Katsuhiro was alright, although still unconscious and lying on the ground. Almost 20 years later, in the 1990s, the U.S. saw a surge in "alien abduction" experiences, leading to the "Abduction Conference," chaired by a Harvard psychiatrist and an MIT physicist. Several years before the incident in Kofu, the famous 'Betty and Barney Hill abduction case' happened in September 1961, involving a couple losing consciousness after encountering a suspicious light. The purpose of the incident in Kofu remains unknown, and speculation continues regarding the true nature of such encounters and their truthfulness. Fortunately, no harm befell the boys. 

Mt. Kanpu UFO Incident

A 52-year-old man, who was part of a mountain climbing group, climbed Mt Kanpu with three other people during a UFO sighting on Mt Kanpu, which is located at an altitude of 1,763 meters. As they descended after lunch, two unidentified flying objects were revealed in the clear blue sky near the mountain top as the mist dissipated. A photo of the objects was taken by one of the men in the group. After reviewing the photo, they ruled out any birds or airplanes. An extra layer of mystery was added when the man mentioned hearing a 'thumping sound' just before taking the photo.

Mt. Kanpu UFO Incident
What are these objects?

The man reached out to the president of the prefectural UFO research group. Upon examining the photo, he commented, 'This is a very interesting photo.' He suggested that the object on the left is almost certainly a UFO. He attributed the strange 'thumping' heard by the group to the EM effect, which is often associated with UFO sightings, and it causes body vibrations or disrupts car engines.

It should be noted that the majority of UFO reports are based on common phenomena, such as light trails from satellites or airplanes, searchlights, or light-emitting events caused by experimental rockets, and are not from extraterrestrial sources. Is this also true in this case?

Kera Village UFO Incident

In 1972, an unusual incident unfolded in the vicinity of Kera town, when a small 20-centimeter diameter disc landed in a rice field and was found by local junior high school students. Despite Kera being a small town with sights that could be found anywhere, the town became the center of attention for a few weeks after as UFO researchers from across the country flocked to the town to investigate.

There are numerous mysterious aspects that defy common sense in this case. According to the boys, the silver-colored disc, when found in the rice field, emitted a blue-white light, made a sound like a crawling crab when landing, and had unique engravings, including concentric curves, thirty-one small holes, and three distinct designs. These were interpreted as waves or clouds, a bird, and a blooming flower. There was no visible propulsion system. When brought home, it suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, the boys tied it up in a locked room, but it vanished again like smoke, never to be seen again.

The Kera Flying Saucer: Japan's Most Famous UFO Case
A Japanese high school boy discovered the peculiar object in the rice field

Even if they hit it with stones, hammers, or knives or poured water on it, there was no change or visible scratches. The students even appeared on TV and provided clear testimony about what happened.

The Strangest UFO Sightings in Japan's History
Is this object from another galaxy?

From the expressions on their faces during the conversation, it was clear they were not lying or making things up. But what on earth was that object? In a world where everything is supposed to have been explained, strange and mysterious stories like this cause rational people to wake up at night.

The Strangest UFO Sightings in Japan's History: The Kera Flying Saucer
What do the strange marks on the object mean?

Some speculated that the disk is connected with Japanese folklore, namely with the being of Japanese folklore named Shibaten, that, according to legends, appears at night and glows in rice fields. Was the discovered disk object the work of the mythological Shibaten, playing tricks on humans?

One of the First Reported UFO Sightings in Japan

One of the first reports of a "flying saucer" in Japan surfaced in June 1947 when a 45-year-old female farmer from Keira Village, Kochi, observed a pale yellow, teacup-sized object falling at meteoric speed. What set it apart from a typical meteor was its pale yellow hue, resembling an electric light. From the vantage point of the female witness, it appeared oval, roughly the size of a teacup, and seemed much larger than a meteor. Also, it's uncommon for a meteor to reach the ground at an angle of about 15 degrees.

Keira Village UFO Sighting of 1947
One of the first unidentified flying object reports in Japan

The sighting occurred early in the morning, before the woman had even fully awakened. There don't seem to be other sightings near the house, but there's speculation in the area that there might be witnesses in other nearby villages. The accompanying photo displays the view from the woman's home near Ichisanri Fukii, where the saucer is said to have originated.

In the next few decades, Japan had its fair share of intriguing high-profile cases and UFO sightings. Some of these are explored in this article, while others will be the focus of our future pieces. What's fascinating is that each of these incidents carries a distinct Japanese flavor, unlike anything seen elsewhere. Looking back, the first sighting in 1947, which coincided with a similar event on Mount Rainier in the USA, marked just the beginning of a mysterious phenomenon known as UFO that fully unveiled in coming decades. However, the puzzle around the true nature of this phenomenon and these objects remains as enigmatic as it was in 1947, when a Japanese woman stepped outside her house and witnessed something unexplained in the sky...

If you want to read more accounts about the unidentified flying objects from the past check also Ancient UFO Accounts

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